- Why doesn't the total price include taxes?
Believe us, there is nothing we would love more than to make your shopping experience at CHIGEE as easy as possible. But unfortunately due to the customs policies of different countries, we CANNOT guarantee the tax price. The price does not include VAT or import tax for your country/region.
When you order, you will pay the price you see, plus shipping. Then as we understand it: once the product reaches your country's Customs, you will be contacted by them to pay for the VAT, Custom duties fees and possibly an extra handling fee. These extra fees are for your government, we have no way to calculate this for you, and as we understand it varies from country to country.
However please let us know if the customs reach out for anything, we may provide our suggestion if possible.
- Your Responsibilities
Please remember it is your responsibility to:
1. Understand CHIGEE policies and the information of the product you are buying.
2. Provide accurate contact and shipping information. (We can't ship to APO, DPO, FPO, PO box and forwarding addresses.)
3. Keep an eye on the tracking.
4. Pay the additional taxes and fees to the relevant authorities.
Note: CHIGEE won't be responsible for items returned because the carriers or your country’s Customs were unable to contact you or charge you the additional fees.
- Alternative Shipping Options
While customs duties are typically the customer's responsibility, we offer an alternative solution for those concerned about unexpected fees:
Special Tax-Inclusive Shipping
- Includes all customs duties and taxes in the shipping cost
- Delivery time: 12-20 days (longer than FEDEX/DHL/UPS)
To request this option:
1. At checkout, choose "Standard Shipping(Tax Free) " if available
2. If not visible:
-Complete your order
-Contact CHIGEE SUPPORT with your order number
-Request tax-inclusive shipping