GPS losing connection, breaks new auto rear camera feature in 2.7.2

GPS losing connection, breaks new auto rear camera feature in 2.7.2

When riding in camera mode I notice sometimes the speed shows zero for a few seconds and on a few occasions it stayed at zero from being switched on. With AA active the phone will use it own location as well and does not show the speed so you will not notice this happening.

This has occurred from the start even before being fitted to the bike and my mounting means it is effectively in its own dashboard, protecting everything and reducing vibration much more than what other people will be doing just mounting it on the bar with the provided equipment. I assumed the cable must be loose but this is not the case and there is no damage.

Since the new feature in 2.7.2 to enable the rear camera when stopped you will notice this happening far more often. It can randomly switch to the camera at 70mph and be logged on the video and metadata file.

Other than this causing it to be more apparent it does not appear to be getting worse or have an obvious cause. The sky is has been clear and mostly unobstructed either side of the road when it has happened so it is not loss of signal unless only a small number of satellites were being used but both my phone and watch do not show any issues under that same conditions.

It could probably filter out these events as there is no way a bike could decelerate from 70 to 0 so quickly, and then accelerate back 70 just as quickly some seconds later.