How to Choose Between AIO-5 Lite, Play, and Play BMW Edition

How to Choose Between AIO-5 Lite, Play, and Play BMW Edition?

The AIO-5 series is CHIGEE's premium product line, designed to integrate CarPlay and Android Auto into your motorcycle experience. 

Each model offers unique features tailored to meet different riders' needs. This article provides a brief comparison, and we've also created a more detailed comparison page for your reference.

AIO-5 Lite

  1. Most powerful model
  2. Features: Dashcam and BSD (Blind Spot Detection)
  3. Enhances riding safety
  4. Wide compatibility across motorcycle brands (Choose the mount)
  5. Note: Requires more complex installation (Installation guide)
  6. To enable Wonderwheel control, you can opt for the CGRC CAN accessory. For both Wonderwheel control and BMW data access, choose the CGRC LIN accessory.

AIO-5 Play Standard Edition

  1. Focuses on simplicity
  2. Camera-Free Design
  3. Key feature: Easy phone screen mirroring 
  4. Wide compatibility across motorcycle brands (Choose the mount)
  5. To enable Wonderwheel control, you can opt for the CGRC CAN accessory. For both Wonderwheel control and BMW data access, choose the CGRC LIN accessory.

AIO-5 Play for BMW

  1. Purpose-Built to Integrate Perfectly with BMW(Check the compatibility)
  2. Quick-Release & Anti-theft Solution
  3. Native Wonder Wheel Support & Data Reading
  4. Limitation: Doesn't support additional cameras

Choosing Your AIO-5(Consider your priorities)

  1. Advanced safety features (AIO-5 Lite)
  2. Simple screen mirroring (AIO-5 Play)
  3. BMW-specific integration (AIO-5 Play for BMW)

Factor in your installation preferences and desired features when making your selection. With the AIO-5 series, enjoy the convenience of CarPlay and Android Auto on your rides, tailored to your specific needs.

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